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MediaWiki: alle Seiten einer Kategorie plus Unterkategorien als PDF exportieren
Ich habe ein kleines php-Script geschrieben, mit welchem man alle Seiten einer Kategorie inklusive der Seiten aller Sub-Kategorien von einer beliebigen MediaWiki-Instanz als PDF exportieren kann. Benötigt werden PHP>5.5
, wkhtmltopdf
und pdftk
(müssen evtl. erst installiert werden).
Ihr müsst am Anfang des Scripts die drei Variablen euren Bedürfnissen entsprechend anpassen, und dann das Script aufrufen per:
$ php /Pfad/zu/mwc2pdf.php
Das Script nutzt nun die “api.php
” der MediaWiki-Instanz und erstellt damit einen “Pagetree”. Von diesem Pagetree wird jede einzelne Seite mittels wkhtmltopdf
in eine PDF-Datei exportiert. Anschließend werden alle erzeugten PDF-Dateien mittels pdftk
zu einer einzelnen Datei namens “MWC2PDF.pdf
” zusammengeführt.
$ nano mwc2pdf.php
< ?php
## Welcome to mwc2pdf
## ----------------------------------------------
## Media Wiki Category To PDF (MWC2PDF)
## is a php script that exports a Category from MediaWiki
## into PDF, including all Pages of that category as well as
## all pages from subcategories.
## mwc2pdf uses MediaWiki's "api.php" to collect
## all data and create a "pagetree".
## mwc2pdf prints out every item of that pagetree
## into a single pdf-file using "wkhtmltopdf".
## It than combines all single pdf-files into
## one single pdf-file called "MWC2PDF.pdf" using "pdftk".
## -----------------------------------------------
## Requires:
## - PHP >= 5.4
## - wkhtmltopdf
## - pdftk
## -------------------------
## Written by Joe Slam 2015
## Licence: GPL
## -------------------------
## Usage:
## 1) Change the three lines to fit your situation
## 2) open terminal
## 3) $ php /PATH/TO/mwc2pdf.php #
## All files are generated in the directory you call mwc2pdf from
# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
## Change this vars to fit your system
$mywiki = ""; // URL to index.php
$kategorie = "Kategorie:Hauptkategorie"; // Which Category to grab?
$kategorie_word = "Kategorie:"; // What is "Category:" in your wiki's language?
# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
# ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
## Dont change after here...
# ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
## API -Commands
# List all Subcategories
$cmd_subcat = "api.php?action=query&format;=xml&list;=categorymembers&cmlimit;=5000&cmtitle;=";
# List all Pages of Category
$cmd_catinfo = "api.php?action=query&format;=xml∝=categoryinfo&titles;=";
# Get URL from pageid
$cmd_geturlfromID = "api.php?action=query&format;=xml&inprop;=url∝=info&pageids;=";
# Functions
function getCategoryID($xml){
# this function returns the pageid of a category
#echo $arr["pageid"] . ": ";
#echo $arr["title"] . "\n";
function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
{ # this function checks if the string
# "$hayshack" starts with the letters "$neddle"
$length = strlen($needle);
return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);
function wikiHTMLprint($command){
# This function takes a pageid and
# returns the "printable"-URL of that
# page/category
$xml = simplexml_load_file($command);
$arr = $xml->query[0]->pages[0]->page->attributes();
$output= str_replace("&action;=edit", "&printable;=yes", $arr['editurl']);
#---- end of functions --------------
#### M A I N S C R I P T
echo "\n\nCollecting data for " . $kategorie ."\n\n";
# Get pageid of start-category
$xml = simplexml_load_file($mywiki . $cmd_catinfo . $kategorie);
$current_parent = getCategoryID($xml);
# Setting up all important vars() and arrays()
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$done = FALSE;
$the_pageids = NULL;
$the_names = NULL;
$loop_list = NULL;
$next_level = 0;
$current_level = 0;
$the_pageids[0] = $current_parent;
$the_names[0] = $kategorie;
$the_prefix[0] = "p0_";
$the_parentid[0] = 0;
$the_level[0] = 0;
$is_category[0] = "C";
$loop_list[0] = $kategorie;
$loop_id[0] = $current_parent;
$loop_prefix[0] = "p0_";
while ($done == FALSE){
// get pageid of current category
$current_parent = $loop_id[$y];
# getting members of this category
$xml = simplexml_load_file($mywiki . $cmd_subcat . $loop_list[$y]);
foreach($xml->query[0]->categorymembers[0]->cm as $child){
$arr = $child->attributes();
#echo $arr["pageid"] . ": ";
#echo $arr["title"] . "\n";
// is this a Page?
if(startsWith($arr["title"], $kategorie_word) == FALSE){
(startsWith($arr["title"], "Datei:") == FALSE) AND
(startsWith($arr["title"], "File:") == FALSE) AND
(startsWith($arr["title"], "Media:") == FALSE) AND
(startsWith($arr["title"], "Bild:") == FALSE)
// is page already in list?
if(in_array("" . $arr["title"] . "", $the_names)){
#echo "page " . $arr["title"] . " already in list \n";
#echo "new Page";
$the_pageids[$x] = $arr["pageid"];
$the_names[$x] = $arr["title"];
$the_parentid[$x] = $current_parent;
$the_level[$x] = $current_level;
$the_prefix[$x] = $loop_prefix[$y] . sprintf('%05d',$x);
$is_category[$x] = "P";
}else{ $x--; }
// is this a Category?
}elseif(startsWith($arr["title"], $kategorie_word) == TRUE){
// is Category already in list?
if(in_array("" . $arr["title"] . "", $the_names)){
#echo "cat " . $arr["title"] . " already in list \n";
#echo "new Category";
$loop_list[] = $arr["title"];
$loop_id[] = $arr["pageid"];
$loop_prefix[] = $loop_prefix[$y] . sprintf('%05d',$x) . "_";
$the_pageids[$x] = $arr["pageid"];
$the_names[$x] = $arr["title"];
$the_prefix[$x] = $loop_prefix[$y] . sprintf('%05d',$x) . "_";
$the_parentid[$x] = $current_parent;
$the_level[$x] = $current_level+1;
$is_category[$x] = "C";
} // END foreach
if($y == sizeof($loop_list)+2){
} // End WHILE false
// END Main Loop
# # # # S O R T D A T A # # # # # # #
array_multisort($the_prefix, $the_pageids, $the_names, $the_parentid, $the_level,$is_category);
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#--- output final array ---
echo "\nThis is what I got:\n";
$i = count($the_prefix);
echo $i;
for ($x =0;$x < $i; $x++){
echo $the_prefix[$x] . "|" . $is_category[$x] . "| ". $the_pageids[$x] . ": " . $the_names[$x] . " | Lev=" . $the_level[$x] . " (P=" . $the_parentid[$x] . ")\n";
## print PDF of Cats and Pages
## depends: wkhtmltopdf
echo "\nPrinting single Pages to PDF (wkhtmltopdf)\n";
$i = count($the_prefix);
echo "\n";
for ($x =0;$x < $i; $x++){
$command = $mywiki . "" . $cmd_geturlfromID . "" . $the_pageids[$x];
$this_pdf = wikiHTMLprint($command);
echo "Printing pageid " . $the_pageids[$x] . " | (" . $x . "/" . $i . ")\n";
$command = "wkhtmltopdf '" . $this_pdf . "' " . sprintf('%06d',$x) . "-" . $the_prefix[$x] . "-" . $is_category[$x] . "_" . $the_pageids[$x] . ".mwc2pdf.pdf";
$out = shell_exec($command);
echo "\n";
## cats the PDFs into a single one
## depends: pdftk
# $dummy = shell_exec("wkhtmltopdf http://google.com google.pdf");
echo "\nGenerating single PDF-file (pdftk)\n";
$command = "pdftk *.mwc2pdf.pdf cat output MWC2PDF.pdf";
$out = shell_exec($command);
## -------------------------------------------------------
echo "\nDone.\n";